A Day of Accusation
Accusations make you question the truth of facts. They evoke the power of suggestion. Learn to use God’s weapons to overcome the power of false accusations and suggestions. The album includes these four messages: Satan, Our Accuser, and His Methods, Job's Friends, His Accusers, Evil Forces Confuse Our Minds, Vessels of Revelation
Disconnecting from the Curse of the Law
Learning to disconnect from what works against you helps you re-connect with the Lord and His blessings. The album includes these four messages: Soul Ties Connected with the Curse of the Law, A Redeemed Soul is Curse Free, The Redeemed Soul Knows How to Disconnect from the Curse, and Pursuing the Blessings of God
takingTaking the Battle to the Gates
This invaluable series is basic training for effective spiritual warfare. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Eph. 6:12)
Your Broken Chains
Jesus Christ has set the prisoner free! Experience marvelous liberty with these thrilling messages that describe the new freedom you have in Him. Includes these messages: 1-Definitions and Demons; 2-Doctrines of Devils; 3-The Finger of God.
Satan’s Realm of Spirits
Knowledge of how to free people from the satanic realm at work in the earth today. Includes these messages: 1-Mystery of Iniquity; 2-Truths Necessary For Survival; 3-Receiving Complete Deliverance; 4-The Problem of Evil; 5-The Problem of Job; 6-Jealousy/Witchcraft/Charisma.
controlspControlling Spirits
“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant” (1 Cor. 12:1) A serious presentation of spiritual truths to enlighten the saints concerning controlling spirits and deliver them from their manipulations, as in witchcraft. Includes these messages: 1-Polluting the Fountainhead; 2-Fasting-The Torch of God; 3-The Afflictions of the Righteous; 4-Ignorance-Opportunity for Deception; 5-Try Every Spirit; 6-The Error of Balaam.
regainingRegaining What Was Lost
Three vital keys that make it possible to recover from any loss or devastation. Follow these steps that cause you to be in the winning position!
standingStanding in the Day of Battle
Miriam Hellman is ordained to fulfill this request of the Lord, "Who will cause My people to stand in the day of battle?" This series will help you to be as David!
delvcurDeliverance From Curses
Jesus Christ purchased your freedom from curses in His atoning death on Calvary. These messages minister the means of obtaining glorious liberty so that you may enjoy this wonderful benefit of salvation.
yokesYokes, Burdens, Medieval Platters
This companion to “The King’s Table” ministers spiritual refinement to those wanting to be transformed into the image of Christ. Includes these messages: 1-Yokes, Burdens and Medieval Platters; 2-Passover-From Fast Food to Feast; 3-The Divine Pattern of Redemption; 4-The Resurrection Test; 5-The Fruit of Faith; 6-Finished Products.
cursesCurses and the Unexplained
The Holy Spirit sheds light on the subject of cursing and the freedom Jesus brings.
Cooperate with Jesus, your great Deliverer. Come to understand how you may be blocking His delivering power for yourself, and become an instrument of His deliverance to the world through the help of these powerful messages! Includes these messages: 1-Guardsmen of Our Minds; 2-Acts of Fear and Faith; 3-The Battle for the Body; 4-Execute the Rod; 5-Moving Forward; 6-Over Every Obstacle; 7-Setting the Captives Free; 8-Deliverance By the Holy Spirit.
childrenThe Children of the Resurrection
Things to raise you up so that you walk as a child of God, a child of the resurrection, in the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Includes these messages: 1-Children of the Resurrection; 2-Breed of the New Seed; 3-Destiny Shift; 4-The Stand Up Meal; 5-Directed Into the New Plan; 6-Don’t Be The Fix-It Man.
Go To Settlement
Issues of eternity settled now by Jesus Christ, your advocate.
secure_spSecure Your Place Through Transformation
Are you willing to be transformed by the grace of God? These eternal secrets show what you can do to abide in the place of God's blessing and protection.
thoughts_talks_lg2Thoughts and Talks Are The Reasons for Things
What attracts certain thoughts? Miriam Hellman explains how your thinking and talking affect the outcomes of situations in your life. She ministers how to create a mindset that always expects the best and does not dwell on the negative to facilitate possessing your God-given inheritance. Includes these messages: 1-Finding the Understanding of Life; 2-Thoughts and Talks Are The Reasons for Things; 3-Accessing Your God-Given Inheritance; 4-Turning Pain Into A Wonderful Life; 5-Taking On Divine Significance; 6-Insight.
until_spUntil Our Resources Possess Us
Instead of being possessed by your problems, reset your focus upon divine resources to make those problems conform to the perfect will of God. Includes: 1-Until Our Resources Possess Us; 2-Trust Your Relationship With The Lord; 3-God’s Throne Is Mercy; 4-Trust the Anointing In You; 5-The Resource of Authority; 6-Rest Produces Creativity.
theCryHrtThe Cry of Your Heart
When the inner heart cries, it is because of extremity. This series supplies answers and help to the many situations our hearts cry out for by directing the cry away from sources that cannot satisfy and unto God, who can turn every cry into triumph. Includes: 1-How Will God Answer the Cry of Today?; 2-God Answers the Righteous Cry; 3-Call To Him Who Is Able To Answer; 4-The Cross We Bear Precedes the Crown We Wear ; 5-When Your Heart Is Overwhelmed; 6-God’s Answer For America.